Saturday, May 24, 2008

Getting Things Done

I'm keeping my fingers crossed but it looks like my attic squirrels might have moved on. Kevin, the pest control guy phoned me last night and said he'll be here on Monday to put in a new roof vent and permanent cage so I'll finally have no holes in the roof. That has been a major concern for me along with hearing critters in the attic.

My grandson, Matt, was going to stain the deck for me but I decided to get the top deck done myself yesterday. Once started, though, I couldn't stop and finished the whole thing. Because my knees are not in terrific shape I had to do the staining while bent over and I thought my back would break from the stress. Lo, and behold, my back didn't feel too bad even after 3 hours work so I guess I'm in better condition than first thought. The deck looks fabulous and no-one would ever guess that it's 24 years old. Of course it has been maintained well with regular staining which protects it.

I'd kept my daughter's dogs inside while I was staining and they stood side by side at the patio door barking incessantly at the neighbor's cat who came to watch. I threatened to put them back in their night cage if they didn't shut up but they didn't listen. I ended up just ignoring them and cursing quietly as I worked.

I picked up my other grandson, Tyson, at 6:30 P.M. (after first visiting the out-of-town nursery to get the extra red/white Impatiens I wanted) and we went out for his birthday dinner...a month late but we can't give up on our traditions, can we? We had a nice pasta dinner at a new restaurant (for me) and I got to hear all the things going on in his life. He's just finished his second year of university and is back home for the summer and working 6 day weeks to pay for his tuition. He's a fine young man who makes us all proud of him.

Before taking him home I brought him to my house to lift the heavy planters back onto the deck for me. Big, strong grandsons come in handy.

I let the dogs out for their last pee and barking session around 10 P.M. and then went to bed. The end of a fruitful and mostly satisfying day.

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