Friday, May 09, 2008

No Arguments

When my husband was alive and I suggested an improvement on the house I'd always get an argument. Of course, the labor needed to accomplish the improvement would most certainly be coming from him. Now that he's passed away and I have to hire help if I want to make improvements, I get no arguments.

My handyman was here the other day trying to extract the squirrels from my attic and, during a quiet spell, I asked if he'd mind replacing the rotten railway ties at the back of my yard. No argument, no problem. I asked if he would have the time to replace the rotten railway ties in my front garden with stone. No argument, no problem. I kind of like this.

Today the back of the yard looks lovely with it's new railway ties in place and the front garden looks fabulous with it's new stone wall. I haven't got the bill yet but it will be worth every penny.

No arguments, no problems. Just write a cheque.

By the way, the squirrels have still not been caught or evicted from the attic. My depression about their presence has lifted and I'm my old cheery self again just waiting to see what will happen next. It's like being in a T.V. soap opera. Will they be dragged out of their hidey hole shamefaced and irate in a trap or will they be carried out stone cold dead in a garbage bag? I don't give a damn which way as long as they get gone.


Kim said...

Oh, you are a cold hearted old woman. Those sweet faced, puffy tailed little squirrels...

patsyrose said...

Until you've heard rabid scratching from the inside of the walls of your house, don't judge me.

They really are nothing but bushy tailed rats. Now that's a vision to give anyone nightmares.