Sunday, July 13, 2008

This Sucker is Coming Out!

My sister is a tiny little ball of fire. She's a fashion plate who loves flashy clothes and she gets her long (real!) nails done every 2 weeks in wild and flamboyant colors. Picture this little fahion plate trying to dig up an overgrown spirea bush at the cemetary today.

Sharon had worried she wouldn't be much help to me digging up the bush because she'd just gotten her nails done in a vibrant yellow with multi designs all over. My nails are sadly neglected so I told her not to worry because I'd do the digging. I forgot how little strength I have. I also forgot to take the trimmers to cut the bush back before we tried to dig it out.

So there we were...2 ladies of slightly advanced years (she'd kill me for saying that), one dressed casually and one dressed cute and to match her nails. I began trying to dig the darned bush out but it had been in the ground a long, long time and the roots went to China. Luckily the soil is excellent and easy to dig into but that made me a little nervous wondering just how close to the surface my ancestors might be resting. I struggled for a while with no success so Sharon decided to try her luck, nails or not.

She's a tough little cookie and managed to get the shrub wiggling. Now we had some hope. I took another turn but didn't make any headway so I was ready to give up. Sharon took the shovel and started breaking up the roots with it, saying with determination, "This sucker is coming out!!". And damned if it didn't! I was very happy to see only an empty hole with no great grampa peeking out.

We planted the hosta in it's place and also a large sunshine impatiens that Sharon had brought. It looks much nicer now and the struggle was worth it. We cleaned up and then took our dirty, sweaty selves to the nearest Tim Horton's.

We had a good laugh throughout the process and I realized that the people I hang out with have a positive outlook on life. We can find something to laugh about in everything we do. We're very lucky.

One sad thing about today...Sharon had taken out a shepherd's hook and hanging plant earlier in the year but they were gone. It's so pathetic that someone would rob a gravesite.

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