Sunday, November 23, 2008

Efficient Park Owners

We have become a nation of low expectations, and with good cause. We consume greasy and vitaminless fast food because we're either too lazy or too busy to cook our own. We put up with poor service and poorly constructed merchandise because we think we have no choice. We pay outrageous prices for gas guzzling cars that fall apart within a few years. And the list goes on and on.

After that is said, you can only imagine how discombobulated the seniors are in our little Florida park. Since the new owners took over they haven't stopped primping and painting. My friend and I sat at the pool the other day in wonderment as we watched the new fence being installed and dozens of lush tropical plants and even full grown palm trees being planted. It's beginning to look like a tropical resort.

Under the old management, many of the residents were becoming so disillusioned that they considered selling their trailer and moving elsewhere but that has all changed. We're like kids at Disney World as we wander around in wide eyed amazement just shaking our heads at how quickly an efficient owner can transform our winter home.

The first and most important thing they did when they took over ownership was to kick out the drug dealers. Yes, they exist in any and every neighborhood and even in Florida senior parks. The stress level of the rest of the residents decreased immediately because even though we never saw or heard the drug dealers, they still brought in a nasty group of criminals late at night who wouldn't think twice about breaking into our homes. And most of these homes are left empty for at least 6 months of the year.

I've always loved this park, even in it's slightly shabby state, but it's like new life is being pumped into it and I'm so thrilled.

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