Sunday, December 14, 2008

Items I Sell on Ebay

It's fun selling on Ebay if it's not your sole occupation and you don't really need the money. I've been doing it for a few years more as a hobby but I do make a profit and that's nice because it helps pay for my utilities in Florida. The odd bit I sell in Canada pretty well pays for anything I buy for myself from Ebay. It's a win/win situation.

For the first few years I found most of my selling merchandise at yard sales but for the past couple of years I've bought from a liquidator and then resold the merchandise on Ebay for a small profit. Finding treasures at yard sales brings the best profit, though, but you have to know what to look for.

My liquidator closed shop this year so I'm only able to find new stuff at yard sales. It so happens that I love yard saleing so this is another win/win situation. A few of my friends have the same addiction, we understand each other and have a lot of fun when we go treasure hunting. Of course, lunch out follows the yard saleing.

We're a horribly wasteful society and some of the most beautiful and valuable items are often put out in yard sales for pennies. I know that the people who buy my treasures on Ebay are also getting a bargain so, you guessed it...another win/win situation.

My best yard saleing buddy looks for jewellery and I look for glassware. We both buy whatever else catches our eye because we know that others will like what we like. It's often hard to give up some of the things I find because I really do only buy what I like, too.

Being in Florida, I find a lot of Disney items at yard sales and I know they'll usually sell well. We all love Disney. My buddy and I like to look for unusual items, like the paper jacket she found but gave to me. She's a good yard saleing friend!

If you're just starting out selling on Ebay, I'd suggest you start with items from your own house that you don't use anymore. Research what they have sold for and then jump in and list it. You'll learn as you go what sells and doesn't sell but don't expect 100% sales. Have fun with it, learn the ropes, and you might soon develop a little cottage industry like I have.

If you're interested, my Ebay identity is glassnmor and I sell interesting stuff!


bluebird of paradise said...

I had forgotten your ebay store's name. I'll look you up. I purchased my first item on ebay this month. It was "franciscan westwood" china for kyran.Keep an eye out for it....
wish I were coming down to go yard sailing with you..

patsyrose said...

I wish you were coming down, too. You are just too much fun!!!

bluebird of paradise said...

I can't find you on ebay...