Thursday, December 11, 2008

Scary Weather

I woke up this morning to the strangest morning light and for a moment I thought I was dreaming because it looked so surreal. The whole landscape outside my window had a sort of yellow cast under the full cloud cover which made it look like an old sepia photograph.

This is Florida and here weather is taken seriously. Tornadoes and hurricanes are prevalent enough to make you worry a little when a strong thunderstorm passes over. The forecast for today included strong thunderstorms so I was already wary.

I live in a little tin can trailer here in Florida and I've seen even ordinary strong winds make their way around the closed plastic windows in my Florida room and move the blinds. I've also seen the full effects of a hurricane and tornado on these little aluminum buildings.

The residents here talk about our survival plan if we were to be hit with a devastating storm and it appears that the safest sanctuary is the games room which is in a concrete building sitting between the laundryroom and the library. It would hold possibly 100 people crammed together so I don't know where the other up to 200 people in the park would go. None of the other buildings here are built to withstand a severe storm.

Listening to the news right now I hear that there is a tornado watch. Again, we're so used to this that we will all ignore the "watch" and wait to hear it's an actual "warning" or "sighting" before becoming really worried. I've never been personally affected by a tornado or hurricane in Florida so maybe I'm being too complacent but I'll watch the actions of my neighbors and follow their safety measures.

The sky has darkened and there are no walkers out this morning. Hmm!

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