Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Crowded, But Fun

Yesterday was our Monday morning coffee and we've finally reached the saturation point. We had 17 coffee drinkers and gabbers and only 16 chairs (Norma brought 2) so Sheila and I dragged my picnic table across the yard so we could use that for seating.

I love the fact that so many ladies enjoy our Monday morning get-together but I think the time has come to enlarge the patio to accommodate them all. Mickey, Sylvia's husband, is going to help me enlarge it with patio stones because that's probably the cheapest way to go. One of the ladies has offered me a few of the plastic stacking chairs, too. I've been trying to find more folding chairs at yard sales but with no luck.

We've also been trying to decide on a name for our group so we can have t-shirts made up. Someone got the bright idea that we should march together in next year's park parade so now we're on a hunt for a suitable name for ourselves.

After lunch I went over to the pool and discovered a pool full of people wearing crazy hats. I'd forgotten that someone had suggested we all wear some sort of wild hat to the pool on Mondays in March. There was Delores with a toy dragon on her head, Carol with a decorated lampshade on her head, Linda and Dick with crowns, Bill with a court jester's hat, and many more just as silly and just as much fun. I'll take my camera next Monday and post some pictures on the blog.

It's interesting to analyze why we seniors have so much innocent fun together and I think it's because we're out of the competetive world...we don't need to impress anyone. We're not afraid to look foolish, especially in front of each other.

Oh, another lovely thing happened yesterday. Gail came over to the pool to look for me and she had a bag in her hands. Naturally I assumed it was her Swedish weaving that she needed help with but she said no and asked when I'd be back at the trailer. I told her 4 P.M. and that's when she came over with the bag. She'd crocheted a gorgeous afghan for my new greatgrandson (that's Gail in the picture with the afghan). How kind and thoughtful of her! It's blue and white and so soft that I can't wait to cuddle baby boo in it. It would be nice if his Mommy and Daddy could decide on a name soon, too.

After supper I phoned Kim to find out if any of the drama at home has settled down. She made me laugh by saying that our wild and crazy Matthew seems to be more stable and settled than anyone else right now. He's working full time at Canadian Tire and we're all keeping our fingers crossed that he has finally matured. Do you suppose??

There's still plenty of drama back home but there is also great hope for the future. I have no doubt that things will work out for everyone given a bit of time.

I stayed home in the evening for a change and did absolutely nothing but watch T.V.


Kim said...

here's your coffee group's new name, "causing a stir".
It used to be the name of the coffee shop around the corner, I've always loved the name.

patsyrose said...

We've got about a dozen suggestions and will have a vote on it in 2 weeks. I love "Causing A Stir".


Kim said...

Awe, what a beautiful blanky. Please thank Gail for us too. That was very sweet of her

Nick Cleroux said...

That blanket looks so very nice and warm for a daddy and his baby boy to curl up in. Please thank Gail for us.

bluebird of paradise said...

Wonderful to see a photo. Hello Gail and what a lovely blanket!