Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Today is my ex-sister-in-law's husband's 75th birthday. Don doesn't look anywhere near his age and still rides his horse regularly. Old age isn't quite what it used to be a generation ago.

His wife has planned a birthday celebration dinner which included Don's 3 brothers and their wives but I conveniently invited myself, something I never do but had the nerve to do this time. Mary's in-laws are mine in a way because she married my sister-in-law's in-law. Figure that one out.

I don't think our family is much different than any other's just because we have had divorces and remarriages crossing family lines. They aren't blood lines so everything is on the up and up.

I'm lucky in that I have terrific in-laws that I enjoy being with. The extended families of my in-laws are also good friends so the fun goes on into infinity. No wonder I praise the strength of good family connections!

In any case, today is Don's 75th birthday and I wish him the best.


Valerie-in-mid-life said...

So glad that you extended a self-invitation to Don's party Auntie Pat. Some folks say My Home is YOur Home - our folks say My Family is Your Family.

patsyrose said...

You said it, Val. I think it's great that we can become such good friends with our in-laws and the more the merrier.