Friday, May 29, 2009

Canada Pension Plan Scandal

Why did we, the public, not know until now that the people who manage our Canada Pension Plan receive millions of dollars in bonuses every year? Why do these highly paid executives receive a bonus at all??

Like AIG, which lost billions of dollars in the recent economical downturn, our pension plan also lost money but the executives are still receiving millions of dollars each. How do we allow this to happen?

Look at it in this way. Tax payers are being bled dry every year so that a very few people can live like kings and queens. The average tax payer is desperately trying to earn enough money after taxes to maintain a home for their family and every extra dollar taken from them at tax time should be going for the betterment of the country and not to enrich these executives.

This is the reason we need to protect the rights of our free press who have the ability to expose injustices. Our Canada Pension Plan is in place so that people who work all of their lives and pay into it will have a small cushion of comfort in their senior years. For executives of the plan to have the power to rob us of money we contributed is a blatant crime.


Colin Goss said...

I haven't heard anything more about this in the media. Just one little burp and it's gone. It's no different from a charitable organization paying its CEO Millions for spending thousands helping a few.

I'm dissapointed in the fact that this is not getting much more media attention after all the old are a minority in our society and need to be cared for not taken advantage of

Colin Goss said...

One thing i noticed about the CPP website is the image of the globe at the top, the US is in the center. It's not always what people say but what they don't say that speaks volumes, this just says their focus is not canadian.