Monday, August 03, 2009

New Adventure

I'm starting to get antsy about expanding my jewelry empire (LOL!) and make my own earrings, at least as a start. This sort of thing makes me realize that life is just too short and the old adage, youth is wasted on the young, seems all too true.

The selling adventures I get myself into are nothing more than games so working at them isn't a chore but funtime. The flea market game has ceased to be fun so I don't want to play that anymore but jewelry making could really stir up my creative juices.

Last year Faye, Mary, and I took apart all my old costume jewelry so I could utilize the pieces in the future to make my own stuff. We had a ball that day and I wish we'd taken photos. At one point we attempted to make Mary a pair of earrings. She'd bought 2 amethyst crystals and we had 2 earring hooks but no idea how to put them together. I had no proper jewelry equipment so I went on the hunt in my husband's workroom for some sort of tool to use and could only find a humungous pair of heavy duty things (I don't know what they're called but they're used to cut thick wire) and that's what we used. Picture a huge 12" construction tool cutting tiny little earring wires and you'll understand why we peed ourselves laughing. I've never seen those earrings on Mary to this day.

I love the idea of having boxes of various beads in front of me and allowing my imagination to go wild. My pleasure would be in the actual creation and then finding someone who loved my ideas enough to wear them.

Most working adults don't have the time to play like this but seniors sure do. I've met very few seniors who weren't actively involved in some pastime they thoroughly enjoyed and maybe that's why we're living longer. There are times when I feel so vital and alive because of my present interests that it's a shock to look in the mirror and be reminded I'm an old gal. I wish this time in my life could go on forever and I feel sorry for seniors who don't take advantage of their new freedom.

Today, in this senior's life, will be spent weeding the garden and going to Wendy's for my $3.77 lunch of 5 chicken nuggets, baked potato, and Diet Coke (including taxes and senior discount). A good part of the day will be spent on the computer, a small part in front of the T.V., and a small part reading "Slumdog Millionaire". This is a slow day for me but you can bet I won't be bored.

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