Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Losing a Pet

My daughter adopted Sadie not long after she and her husband separated. Sadie filled a void in Cindy's life and became almost like her own child. That's how many, if not most, people feel about their pets.

Sadie had to be put down yesterday after being hit by a car. Her injuries were just too severe even though Cindy was ready to pay any amount of money to save her. Foolish, but again, often our pets are so loved that we'd never count the dollars it might cost to keep them with us.

My heart is aching for Cindy's loss because I know how great it is. Sadie was her constant companion, even sleeping in her bed. Cooler heads might think that a dog is just a dog but for some of us our pet is much more important in our lives than that. Some of us will grieve in the same way we would if we lost a family member and there's nothing abnormal about that.

My dog, Corky, was a member of my family for 15 years and I still wish I could turn a corner and find him there, tail wagging in his happiness to see me. We loved them and we won't forget them.

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