Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekend in Georgia

Faye and I drove up to Georgia on Friday (3 1/2 hour drive) to visit with Shelley in her new house. We used Mapquest and didn't need the GPS until we got to her town, then Mapquest let us down and sent us in the wrong direction....either that or we misread the directions.

Shelley's house is in a small town and sort of out in the boondocks. It's set low and has a lake/pond right behind it but you could never swim there because it's probably full of alligators and snakes. It still looks awfully pretty, though, and the backyard is full of trees laden with Spanish moss...very southern. It's a brand new house that Shelley and John purchased at a good price from the bank. There are so many foreclosures in the States that this is the time to buy a house if at all possible.

Shelley had her final cortizone shot last week and is almost pain free now. What a blessing! It was so good to see her looking like the old Shelley instead of a pain ridden creature.

John's brother, George, and his family live right next door. This is his second family and the children, 3 & 2, are just precious. It's wonderful for them to live so close. George's wife, Rosie, went out to dinner with us...George was away on business and didn't get back until Saturday. He's still recovering from a heart attack he had 2 years ago and doing great, going to the gym and losing weight.

As luck would have it, we had to drive through rain on Saturday evening to see Lisette's play in Florida. She had the lead role and was pretty darned good. It was a spoof on a Mickey Spillane show but all the roles were gender opposite. Lisette played her part like a tough male private detective...cute, considering she's about 5' tall and weighs about 100 lbs.

It was pouring rain by the time the play was over so Shelley, Faye and I headed home and left John to drive home with Lisette in her little Volkswagon Bug. Sometimes the fates work in our favor and that night is a good example. Shelley was driving an SUV and the rain and winds pushed it all over the highway, hydroplaning way too often. She persevered until we were able to get off the main highway onto a side road and called John to tell him not to try driving home that night. They hadn't even started out yet because Lisette was held up with her friends so John ended up sleeping in her dorm room and they drove to Georgia the next morning.

We did some housework Sunday morning because Shelley and John were driving back down to Miami for a flight out to Bolivia in the evening. Faye and I kissed everyone goodbye and headed home about 10 A.M., stopping only for a nice breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I love that restaurant but they've never been able to make a decent omelet.

I don't know if it was all the driving but I napped half the afternoon away and then had another evening nap. Of course I then couldn't sleep all night. Sometimes the fates kick us in the butt.

I'm so happy I got to see Shelley before she went back to Bolivia because it will probably be over 6 months before I see her again. She's my baby and will always be no matter how old she gets.


Shelley said...

Always proud to be your baby... :-)

Shelley said...
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Shelley said...

Sorry - above comment posted twice! LOL