Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Morning Misadventures

I'd made an appointment with Brucedale Garage where I always get my emission testing done...or so I thought. At 8:40 A.M. I drove over to the garage and discovered it wasn't Brucedale Garage but Upper Gage Garage (these are street names in my city). Now I'm wondering where the heck Brucedale Garage might be...you'd assume on Brucedale Avenue but you would be wrong. I zipped home and looked in the phone book and discovered that Brucedale Garage is on Hester Street. Okay, it was close so over I went, arriving at 9 A.M. on the dot for my appointment.

It wasn't to be because there was a huge van stuck up on the hoist and they couldn't get it down. Now I needed the emission test done before I could get the car licence sticker so I drove all the way back to Upper Gage Garage and asked if they could possibly do my car today. I must have looked pitiful because they took it in right away and within minutes I was on my way to the licencing office.

All went well with renewing my driver's licence but when the clerk examined the emission testing paperwork she said part of it was missing. So off I went back to the garage and my missing paperwork was found slipped behind the desk. Back to the licencing bureau where I was met like an old friend by the clerk who processed everything in quick order.

I felt I deserved a nice breakfast so I drove over to Zeller's to eat and shop a tiny bit. I found a cute outfit for Nolan and a cute blouse for me but not in the color I wanted. No problem, there are 2 more Zeller's stores within driving distance so I went to Zeller's #2. There I found the blouse I loved in the color I wanted but there was also another nice color so I took both. I guess I still needed to pacify myself after my wild early morning.

Back home I had only a few minutes to spare before Donna arrived to do Swedish weaving. Gradually, with the handwork and our chatter, I felt myself calming down. It had been a hectic but ultimately productive morning but doing our handwork together was a pleasant way to put the rat race behind me.

I'd been feeling so overwhelmed with the looming chores of renewing passport, driver's licence, car sticker, and health card (still to be done) in a short span of time but now most of those unpleasant chores are taken care of. I don't easily handle a large pile of what I perceive as unpleasant jobs that need to be done at the same time. I usually become so overwhelmed that I can't relax enough to get anything done. Well, my latest stressful situation is almost over. On June 25th I pick up my new passport and I'll just wander up the street a few blocks and get my new health card. I don't know why these things seemed so difficult for me to accomplish but it's still bugging me that they all happened to need doing this month!

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