Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rose of Sharon

My neighbors have a lovely selection of Rose of Sharon bushes in different colors. A few years ago they gave me a few which I planted at the side of the house but they were destroyed when I had that side waterproofed last year. Yesterday my sweet neighbors were nice enough to send over 3 more for my yard.

I have a large shade garden at the far end of my backyard but there are spots where it gets plenty of sunshine and that's where I decided to plant them. Anna brought over a white, a white with red center, and a lilac Rose of Sharon that I'm really looking forward to see in bloom next year. They are magnificent perennials that will grow into large bushes covered with blooms in mid summer into fall. It broke my heart to cut them back yesterday but that's always best when replanting. They would have needed cutting back before winter, anyway.

I love giving and receiving plants because, as you admire their progress, you also have the good memories of the people whose homes they came from. My garden is full of memories like from Joyce, variegated impatiens from Rochelle, hostas from Donna & Kim, cosmos from Faye, jacob's ladder from Mary, rose of sharon from the Trans, etc. Just writing this all down makes me realize how many of the plants I love came from people I love. Nice.

No wonder it gives me so much pleasure to walk around my garden. It's full of beauty and love, a really nice combination.

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