Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Striving to Succeed

I was telling someone about how a single, teenage mother brought her baby to my sister's one winter day and there was a cockroach in the hood of the baby's jacket. Disgusting, yes, but there is a happier part to this story.

This young girl had a huge load on her shoulders. Mother's Allowance was made available to her but it's not enough to pay the rent on a good apartment, hence the cockroach. She was taking advantage of re-education programs made available to her free of charge and babysitting free of charge. You have to admire a young woman who will better herself against all odds. You also have to be proud of a government that provides programs like the above in order to help people help themselves.

I've often wondered what became of her but I know she must have made a good life for herself and her child. She had spirit and determination and it takes a lot to beat that kind of spunk out of a person.

Too often we see and hear of people who whine and sit on their butts while accepting welfare checks every month. They do nothing to make life better for themselves or their families. They are the kind of people who somehow find the time and the resources to march on parliament demanding more free money for doing nothing. They either forget or just don't understand that every cent they receive from the government came out of some poor hard working person's pocket.

I'd be willing to pay more income tax if it meant offering programs to retrain people who are willing to work hard to rejoin the workforce. I resent every cent paid in income tax that goes to welfare freeloaders, the ones who have no intention of ever earning their own way.

I hope that young, single mother is proud of herself today and living a comfortable life she worked hard to earn.

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