Friday, December 17, 2010

Nice Day

I woke up today to sunny skies and the promise of afternoon temperatures in the mid 70's. Perfect! I gathered my laundry together, glanced at the neat little trailer that needed no more work than making the bed, and headed over to the laundryroom. I didn't need a coat or even a sweater!

I love drying laundry on the clothesline and letting the clean air filter through it. Anything that might need ironing goes in the dryer so that it doesn't need ironing. My irons last forever if I'm careful.

Sylvia and I left the park at 10:30 and made a stop at Walmart for a few things. I'd forgotten my thong sandals and had to buy a pair there. I only use them for when I get a pedicure and today was the day. Sylvia had never had a pedicure before so it was a special treat for us.

After the pedicure we went to Wendy's for lunch...I should own shares in that restaurant! Sylvia is great company and I'm so glad that she and Mickey have decided to forget about selling their trailer and now plan to stay at our park for as long as possible. By that I mean as long as their health and money hold out. That's the same story for me.

When we got home I took the clothes off the line, folded them and put them away. Then I took a good book and a glass of Diet Pepsi out on the patio. It really was one of those perfect days when there was not one thing about it to complain about.

Tonight we play Bingo and then I'll watch T.V. or play on the computer until about 11 P.M. Maybe not an exciting day but still a nice day all around!

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