Wednesday, December 22, 2010

X-Rated Laughs

Six of us ladies played "31" at the clubhouse last night and did a repeat on our unplanned efforts to disrupt the larger game of bid euchre going on beside us. We don't mean to be so noisy but something is always said by one of us to make the rest laugh hysterically.

Last night we had so much fun discussing some x-rated topics that we couldn't even explain to the other tables what got us laughing like schoolgirls. One of the men playing at another table said he hated sitting at a table next to us on card night because he couldn't concentrate on his game. I don't know if he was complaining but I'm afraid it won't have any effect on us...we just have too much fun together.

I know I'm always saying how much I love being here with these people but I never, ever laugh as much as I do here in Florida. It may be putting more laugh lines on my face but it's also putting more spirit in my soul.

I think seniors experience much the same freedom and naturalness to enjoy themselves as children do. We're not out to impress anyone or draw attention to ourselves like younger people do. We are free to enjoy the moment and we don't much care if we look foolish doing it.

It's sort of interesting how not one of us ladies live close to each other (mostly different states or provinces) and don't see each other for at least 6 months of the year but, when we do get together, it's as though we've never been apart. Sort of like sisters, right?

Right now my 3 daughters are spending the Xmas holidays together for the first time in many years. I'll bet it seems to them as though not one single day has gone by since they were together because their closeness isn't based on distance but by the love in their hearts.

Sisterhood...a huge ingredient in the glue that holds civilization together.

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