Tuesday, March 15, 2011

That's What Friends Are For

This morning at 3:30, I crawled out of bed and dressed, walked over to Sheila's trailer in the dark to join her and Tom on the way to the airport. We picked up Sylvia on the way. Tom goes home today and we never let Sheila drive alone to the airport in the dark. That's what friends are for.

Once Tom was through security at the airport, we 3 ladies went out for an early breakfast. Once fed, we hurried on home to have our naps. Today is the Turd Toss and we wanted to be well rested for the festivities!

I woke up at 10:30 to a knock on the door and opened it to see Joann with a lovely gift for me. It was one of her beautiful cactus plants that was in flower. It always makes you feel good when someone likes you enough to bring you a gift. I feel so lucky to have some really and truly wonderful people in my life who think I'm okay, too.

The concept of friends is not that you chum with people who are identical to you in their thinking but people who have some of the qualities you prefer. I've discovered over the years that I can't tolerate dishonest people and that I deeply admire people who are honest to a fault. I feel most comfortable with people like that and any little human flaws they might otherwise have don't matter at all. None of us are perfect because we'd be boring as hell if we were. Sometimes it's the little flaws that make us more interesting and fun to be around.

This afternoon we have our annual Turd Toss and there will be toilets, fake turds, music, and turd cake. You can bet that everyone present will have a lot of laughs. I'll post pictures and comments later.

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