Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nice Sunday

My young neighbors, Lisa and Anna, came over for a visit last night and helped me choose the paint color for the bathroom. I could agonize for months and never make a decision about paint color because I'm scared to death of choosing one I can't live with and then having to live with it for 5 years. They chose and I agreed it would be a soft, medium to light beige...not too adventurous but what the heck!

I went over to pick the paint up this morning knowing that I haven't even asked my new handyman if he'll do this job but this was the last day to get 40% discount at Sherwin Williams and I didn't want to miss it. I think I have enough paint to do both the first floor bathroom and the new one that John will build upstairs. The upstairs one won't require much paint at all because I want a lot of tile in there.

Lisa, Anna, and I went to Ikea in the afternoon where I wanted to buy some lamps but ended up only getting a laundry hamper. Then we went to Sotiros (not sure if that's spelled right) and had a lovely early dinner. None of us could finish our dinner but we still ordered their delicious balaklava for dessert. We all brought enough leftovers home for another dinner tomorrow.

I made an interesting decision today to enter Nicole's afghan in the Norfolk Fair this coming October. I did more design on this particular afghan than I ever have on one or probably ever will again so it's a good time to display it and maybe win a ribbon for it. I've only ever seen the odd Swedish weaving table runner entered at fairs so maybe my afghan will be a one of a kind. It's too expensive a hobby for most Canadians unless they can travel to the States and buy their fabric over there. The finished product is sure beautiful, though, and Nicole's is especially beautiful because of all the extra work I did on it.

It's so quiet in the house right now with the air conditioner quiet for the moment and no T.V. on. I usually have it on just for background noise. It was a gorgeous day out today with more normal summer temperatures but I still need the AC on. Maybe tomorrow I can give it a rest. Tonight will be a peaceful one with a little bit of playing on the computer and a little bit of watching T.V. Maybe not too exciting but certainly not stressful, either.

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