Thursday, September 01, 2011


It's sort of amazing how a touch of relief for whatever reason can change everything about you. After I saw the doctor yesterday, I walked back to my car with a springier step and a smile on my face. It felt as though a load had been lifted from my shoulders that had been weighing me down. I know the news was only a slight reprieve and maybe won't happen at all but it gave me hope, something I hadn't had in a while.

I felt so much more at ease all evening and then slept like a lamb all night. The lessening of tension did that for me. I've felt this sensation many times in my life so it's quite familiar to me. When we worry, our bodies tighten up in preparation to face whatever the danger is and when the danger is lessened, our bodies loosen up. It happens all the time in one way or another.

I'm still facing radiation treatment on my lip but it's a far lesser worry for me than surgery so I expect to sail through the treatment if I'm allowed it. For now, I'll just bask in the comparative relaxation my body is enjoying.

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