Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penn State Shamed

I just listened to some Penn State students who are fearing their future might be a little bleaker because of their affiliation with Penn State University. I find this awfully hard to believe because the actions or inactions of their administrators in the ongoing criminal accusations of child abuse on school grounds should never be blamed on the students.

One student said he'd heard that some companies were saying they wouldn't hire any more Penn State graduates and would fire any already working for them. This can't be true because it makes no sense.

On the other hand, the school administrators have an awful lot to answer for because there were rumors going back to the 1990's about Sandusky. They were told in no uncertain terms about Sandusky raping a child in their shower room in the early 2000's so why was this man not stopped before now? How many children lost their innocence to this pervert needlessly because Penn State administrators protected him?

Penn State is indeed a place of shame but not because of it's students. The shame belongs to any and every one who knew Sandusky was abusing young boys and chose to protect the monster instead of the child.

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