Monday, December 19, 2011

New Movies Losing Money

I heard on the news this morning about how much money some of the new, highly hyped movies are losing due to uninterested patrons. Barb and I watched (me for the umpteenth time) "The Wizard of Oz" yesterday and were completely enthralled once more in the beauty of the old movie made, I think, in 1939. So, why haven't today's movie makers learned to make movies like that?

It seems as though modern movies are geared to titillate by providing more and more sex and mayhem because it's so easy for them. Throw in 2 or 3 people engaged in loveless sex and then have one of them hack the others to pieces and the movie is done. No expertise in making a good movie needed...stupid people will pay big bucks to see it, then go home and forget about it because the appeal was short-lived.

I just bought a new, larger T.V. for the trailer so we got to watch "The Wizard of Oz" in all it's glory. I mentally dissect any movie I watch and did so with this one again. But the bountiful color and fascinating story line faithfully amazed me once again, making me admire all who had a part in making this beautiful movie. I'll watch it many more times, I'm sure, and enjoy it every time. I'm looking forward to watching it with Nolan and Nash and seeing it through their sweet, young eyes. It was a timeless movie, made for young and old, and it will be around when porn is long forgotten.

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