Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Red Hatters

I still like to consider myself a Red Hat lady even though I've only managed to attend 2 meetings/luncheons all winter. Vicki, our leader, had to change the monthly meetings to Fridays and that's when I have my coffee mornings which often carry on into the early afternoon. We have so many activities at our park that there's no way to choose a day for your activity without interfering with another activity so I don't blame Vicki one bit. Actually, last year I had to change my coffee mornings from Mondays to Fridays so I understand completely her difficulty in pleasing everyone's availability.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Red Hatters had to have their meeting/luncheon this month scheduled for today, a Monday. Now, normally that wouldn't have suited me either because I usually go to the casino on Monday but this week we're going on Tuesday instead. To shorten this very long commentary, I was then able to don my Red Hat Ladies t-shirt and join 20 terrific ladies for their luncheon at Laings. The food was delicious and the company was excellent. I've really missed this outing even though I see most of these ladies every day anyway. It's the ritual that counts!

And now I'll talk about something that's been disturbing and puzzling me. Why don't restaurants feature beans and weiners on their menus? I haven't had that dish for years, probably since my children were small, but I do think about it every once in a while. I'd planned to take home a few cans of Bush's beans this year but my car problems put an end to that plan. Faye is going to give me a couple of her's when we get home so I'll buy a good package of weiners and put them together for an old time feast. I'll bet my 2 tiny boys would love to share it with me, too.

Life is always good when you surround yourself with good family and friends.

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