Monday, April 30, 2012

Reaquaintance With Nolan

From the beginning of my return home, it did seem as though Nolan remembered me but I took a chance and asked if he could stay overnight on Saturday.  Of course, his parents agreed but I wasn't sure he'd feel comfortable enough to be left with me.  No worry, he'd remembered all of the toys that I had here for him and the familiarity came right back.

Kim and I took Nash out in the afternoon to buy him a belated birthday gift from me (his birthday is Feb. 24th) but I'd waited because I'd wanted to be with him to get it.  We took Nash out for lunch and then home for his nap...he was an angel the whole time and smiled lovingly at me but wouldn't let me touch him.  He really doesn't like anyone but his parents and Nolan but he tolerated his Gramma, Kim, that day because she was all he had.

Nolan was waiting for us when we dropped Nash off.  He had his little suitcase all packed and couldn't get in the car fast enough...I think he thought he was going to Kim's, though.  We drove to my house and Kim used the big box that came with the new child car seat for my car to make a playhouse for Nolan.  Kids love to climb into big boxes and Nolan was no exception.  He played with that thing all day so I might have to keep it somewhere, maybe in the basement when I get my work area cleaned up.

The more I was with Nolan, the more I learned of his little idiosyncrasies.  It's so cute to hear him say, "here am are" instead of "here I am".  He chatters constantly and is still a little difficult for me to understand but we did manage to have some conversation.  He was so darned good the whole time and the only time I thought he might be a little homesick was when he'd occasionally say, "Daddy loves me".  Children are so precious and tender and it made me wonder why he felt the need to comfort himself that way.  I guess it was just a reminder to him that his Daddy hadn't abandoned him and would come for him soon.  So sweet.

He wouldn't have an afternoon nap, playing at full speed until we went to bed at 8 P.M.  I put him in bed with me and settled in to watch some T.V.  Almost immediately, his little eyes glazed over and he was sound asleep until 8 A.M.  He wasn't anxious to get up then, either, but did so with the promise of breakfast.  He's such a little guy, already with his own personality.  I watch with amazement as I see this tiny little boy developing in front of me. He's a combination of his father (in looks) and his mother (in outgoing personality) but still his own self.  

All morning, he appeared completely at ease being with me but, when his parents arrived at 11:30 to pick him up, he ran to them and happily clung to his mother as though he never wanted to let her go.  I know he was fine here with me but nothing can replace that bond between a child and their parents.  My house will be a place to visit and be loved by his GG but home is where his heart will be. 

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