Saturday, May 05, 2012


If you're like me, you love, love, love the first coffee of the morning.  I drink mine half coffee, half skim milk but, whatever our combination, we coffee lovers can be almost ecstatic over that first cup in the morning.

I have a coffee maker that my daughter, Cindy, bought me to take to Florida but I have almost no counter space in the trailer so I've kept it here.  It's a single cup one that uses Melitta coffee pods.  I use the pod twice so my second cup is fairly watered down.  

Daughter #3, Shelley, bought me 2 of these Tim Hortons mugs and they're a perfect size, especially for that first morning coffee.

A coffee smell in the morning is like a drug.  I never enter a restaurant at dinnertime with the same anticipation as I do for a breakfast.  If they were smart, they'd blow that coffee smell outside through air vents and we coffee addicts would follow it like lemmings.  Funny, it doesn't have the same effect on me at any other time of the day so I guess I've conditioned myself to morning use only.

I'm drinking cup #2 now so I'd better get back before it gets too cold.

I noticed on a couple of previous blogs that the size of the print increases part way through.  Wonder why???

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