Thursday, May 03, 2012

Sorry, It's Ridiculous

Sometimes I read articles in the newspaper that make me so mad that I wonder why I bother reading it at all.  Today I read that a woman, sunbathing on a local beach, won a lawsuit (possibly $750,000) against the Hydro company because a big bird ran into the overhead power lines, died and fell on her, breaking her hand.  Isn't that sort of an act of god and no-one can be held responsible?

Another incident of the law gone haywire was when a woman bought hot coffee at a Tim Horton's drive-through.  She sat the coffee between her legs as the car drove away and it spilled, scalding her legs.  She won a huge lawsuit against Tim Hortons!!!

The very worst example of a ridiculous lawsuit was when a local woman, the wife of a doctor, sued the hospital because she had pain during childbirth.  She won!!!

Maybe I'm missing the boat and could have been a millionaire by now.  I gave birth to 3 children and it darned well hurt me, too.  I wonder if I can sue 50 years after the fact? 

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