Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Squirrely Squirrels

I don't know how I stay so level tempered after some of the crap I go through.  It's bad enough to have squirrels in your attic and paying $400 to get them out but my squirrels are so stupid that they can't figure out how to exit the one way cage.

I found a pair of Dennis' binoculars and have been checking their progress the last few days and was really surprised to see them inside the cage in the evening and apparently chewing on the bars trying to get out.  I wondered if maybe the exit part of the cage was stuck but my squirrel remover says sometimes the squirrels just can't figure out how to use it.  Now I have a terrible worry that the little buggers will die of thirst and starvation inside my attic and the smell will be what drives ME out of my own house.

A nice thing happened today (and for the past couple of weeks).  I went over to Nick's in the morning to watch the boys so he could get some work done and, when I came back home, saw my good neighbor, Dang, cutting the lawn again.  I hate that he feels he has to do this for me but he seems determined to do it after he cuts his own lawn.  He's the same age as me so I feel awfully guilty about this.  Nick has good intentions of cutting it regularly but he works and has a family to look after so his time is limited and the lawn does start looking awfully unkept before he can get to it.  I know how fortunate I am to have good neighbors and good family to help me out when needed but I have trouble accepting their help graciously.  These days I find it awfully hard to cut the lawn myself because I'm afraid to twist my knees and it also wears me out something fierce...I tell myself I'm not a young chick any more but that just makes me feel worse!!  Old and helpless...crap!

Faye and Donna are coming over this afternoon for our Swedish weaving get-together and they'll make me laugh and feel a whole lot better, though.  

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