Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm Only a GG

This morning I went over to Nick's house to watch the boys while he was on a conference call.  It's only for an hour, just long enough so that I don't get tired of the boys and they don't get tired of me.

As I was leaving for home, Nick brought the boys to the front door to give me kisses and hugs goodbye.  Nolan said, "Bye, GG.".  Nick said, "Bye, Gramma."

Nolan, aghast at what he thought a big mistake by his father, said, "No, Daddy, she's a GG, not a Gramma!".  I heard Nick trying to explain to Nolan that I was Nolan's GG but I was Daddy's Gramma but Nolan would have no part of it.  In his mind, you are one thing and I, apparently, can only be a GG.  He, in turn, is the center of the universe.  

I often wonder what young people think of us oldsters and if they think we've always been wrinkled and frail.  Do they understand that once upon a time we were agile, strong, and beautiful creatures just like them?  Probably not.  Maybe it's best they don't dwell too much on the toll time takes on a body.


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