Saturday, August 18, 2012


My brother-in-law has officially been diagnosed with colon cancer and will have surgery at the end of the month.  My sister, who couldn't accept the diagnosis at first, has now accepted it and she's devastated.  Jim is one of those earthly treasures, a damn good man in every way, and now she's possibly facing life without him.  

Initially, he'll have the tumor surgically removed and then, if necessary, have a colostomy bag.  This isn't the worst thing in the world but not knowing if the cancer was caught in time is the horror of the situation.  Cancer is a scourge on this earth and it seems to be attacking us with a vengeance.

Like I said, Jim is a treasure and has treated my sister like a queen since they first got together.  He adores her and takes care of her and she will be completely lost without him.  It's at times like this that I realize how unfair life is.  Jim is a prince of a man and I can't stand that he'll have to suffer in any way.  He's a guy who won't check his blood sugar because the needle hurts too much so I expected him to be a basket case over this but he's been calm and strong in order to make it easier for Sharon to handle.  His first thought is for her.

I hope for the best but am very, very fearful of the worst.

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