Friday, August 17, 2012

Young of Heart and Mind

My health is not 100% but it's not bad and I often wonder at how vibrant and alive I feel in mind and spirit even though this old body doesn't look so good.  I was laying in bed last night just pondering life in general when my thoughts tumbled upon how strong my mind felt and I attribute that to always having many interests or plans for interesting things to do.

Yesterday I cleaned and moved furniture around in the spare room and, in the back of the closet, came upon a big box of old quilting magazines that a friend in Florida had given me a few years ago.  That was at a time when quilting was my craft but now I'm into Swedish weaving.  While doing some research on Ebay this morning, I discovered that these magazines still have enough value for me to sell them there so today's plans are to do just that.  I really enjoy the process of taking the photos, editing them and then listing the product on Ebay.  Following the progress of the 7 day auction is also enjoyable.  I'd never give up my own quilting books but I'm willing to give up the magazines in my ongoing quest to declutter my house.

I still love quilting and will probably get back to it some day but only small wall hangings.  That's why I haven't gotten rid of all my quilting fabric.  Quilting is as close as I've ever come to creating least that's how it felt to design a quilt with pattern, color, and print.  I'm looking forward to creating like that again some day soon.

Neither my mother nor my grandmother had any interest in crafts.  Their days consisted of working and housework, both of which I've avoided if at all possible all of my life.  I think I might have the heart and soul but not the talent of an artist.  Being short on talent doesn't mean I don't do the best I can to create things of beauty and that's what gives me the greatest pleasure.

Gardening is another artistic pastime that I dabble in.  You don't have to be perfect to grow a beautiful pot of flowers...they are beautiful in their own right.  I fully intend to have a colorful flower garden on my balcony when I move to an apartment.

I don't understand the seniors who while away their golden years just watching T.V. because there's so little there to stimulate you and keep your mind sharp.  One of the best places for a senior to hone their interests is at a Senior Center.  There are so many different classes and activities to take part in and, best of all, lots of active and interesting seniors to make friends with.  Good social interaction can keep you interested and interesting in your old age.

Well, once the sun comes out (it rained last night and is still overcast) I'll play around taking magazine photos and listing on Ebay.  It will make for an interesting day! 

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