Tuesday, October 09, 2012

definition of a gentleman

the dictionary defines a "gentleman" as someone of good family, good values or social position.  one of my pet peeves is how even criminals are referred to as gentlemen.  i love watching "cops" but it bugs me when they arrest some street bum for drunk driving, robbery or some other crime and then refer to them as a gentleman.  the worst was once hearing a victim say, "this was the gentleman who attacked me.".

i don't know why this bugs me so much.  it doesn't seem to bother me when, say a prostitute, is referred to as a lady.  it does bother me to be referred to as either "old lady" or patronizingly as "young lady".

i guess it's what i read into the words and bristle if they don't coincide with my thinking.  i wonder if it's just because i'm 72 and getting a little testy in my old age.  

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