Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So a top ranking U.S. military officer retires because he's caught having an affair.  Give me a break!  Either there's much, much more to this story or 90% of the politicians in this country should also retire.

I have no respect for someone who has an affair while staying in their marriage but I'm not blind to the fact that it happens all too often.  What I'll never understand is why a philanderer bothers staying in their marriage or even getting married at all. 

The mental pain caused to the wounded spouse when a husband or wife has an affair can be excruciating and it's not something a person could do if they truly loved them.  Nevertheless, it happens and I can only think of the offender as cruelly selfish and self centered.

When someone in a powerful government position strays and is forced to step down from his/her job, we can assume that more than sex was involved.  Personally, I think the guy was a jerk to publicly embarrass his wife like this.

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