Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let's Have Some Good News

It seems we're all on overload with the bad, sad stories we hear on the news every day.  Every once in a while the reporters toss in a piece of uplifting stuff like the joy on the faces of children when they spot their soldier father or mother who has been brought home from oversees to surprise them and we cling to that picture.  I'm particularly thankful to Facebook because there are so many happy or funny postings to read every time we enter it.

Shelley opted out of the misery of watching all the footage on the Connecticut shooting in order to concentrate on having a happy family Christmas and I think she was wise to do so.  It's taken me a bit longer but I realized yesterday that a bit of depression was setting in from absorbing all the chaos and butchery I was watching on T.V. and I've decided to follow Shelley's example.

I'm going to concentrate on all that is beautiful in our world and there really is so very much.  I'm going to concentrate on the kindness of good people instead of the evil of bad ones.  I feel better already. 

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