Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jody Arias...Yuk!

I have to admit I'm kind of addicted to the Jody Arias trial and when I analyze why, it's because she's so creepy and conniving that I'm hoping to see the moment when her guilt is proved beyond a doubt by anyone watching.

Here is a pretty, intelligent, and dynamically sexual woman who seems only to be able to keep a man interested in the bedroom.  I'm guessing the reason is that she's so promiscuous and aggressive when it comes to sex that the men don't respect her.  Of course they're using her but she's such a willing participant that you can't really fault the men.

She lies.  It's very difficult for the prosecutor to get a clear yes or no answer from her.  She smirks and acts cocky most of the time.  She's very unlikable.

I'm glad I'm not on the jury because I just might convict her based on her personality.  But then, I think she's guilty as hell of murdering her ex-boyfriend out of jealousy, too.

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