Sunday, March 17, 2013

Present From Jan

One of the things I'm most proud of is how popular my Friday morning coffee gathering has become.  I counted 20 ladies here a couple of weeks ago but thank heavens we get fewer than that when we're forced by weather to have it inside my little trailer.  Still, some of the ladies have to sit and drink their coffee awfully close to the bathroom but no-one ever complains and they return again.

Jan brought me a wonderful gift on Friday...a plaque that says, "Girlfriends Gather Here", and I love it because it's so true.  She said her husband, Gary, saw it and told her to get it because that's what we all are...girlfriends.

In my younger years I wasn't sociable enough to have many girlfriends but now that I'm a senior there's nothing to stop me.  I gather as many as I can and enjoy the company of every one.  There are so many wonderfully kind and fun ladies here in the park that it's a blessing to all of us to have each other as friends.  We make each other laugh, cry on each other's shoulders, and remove any loneliness that might exist.  I feel so very fortunate to be here.

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