Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Same Sex Union

I don't think I'll ever accept the concept of a same sex "marriage" even though I do accept a legal union of same sex couples that would protect them much the same way as a marriage would.  Forever, in my eyes, a marriage will always consist of a man and a woman but I know that some same sex couples remain together longer than some heterosexual couples.  The whole idea causes a conflict of feelings in my mind but that may be because of my lifelong conditioning.

What I really don't understand is why same sex couples, who desperately want to be accepted without prejudice, insist on demanding to be treated exactly the same as heterosexual couples.  I truly believe the majority of the people have a great deal of trouble with this.  We, me included, want to be fair so we try to recondition ourselves to believe that gay is normal.  I tried but I can't do it.  I still believe that being gay is abnormal and those people should not be prejudiced against but there have to be certain areas that they should not enter...such as "marriage".

Civil rights belong to us all and I claim my civil right to feel that marriage is for a man and a woman.  Gay couples can still receive the same legal protection if they call their union something else. 

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