Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Great Turd Toss of 2013

No pictures because my camera isn't working right!!!

Today was the great turd toss of 2013 and we had record crowds to witness it.  Mark, resplendent in his own turd hat, was our master of ceremonies and needed a microphone to amplify his voice enough to reach the masses of people lining the street.  Most were in lawn chairs but many enjoyed the comfort of their golf carts.  The weather was perfect, sunny and warm with a lovely breeze.

I did laundry this morning and noticed that people were already staking out their spots for the turd toss and positioning their lawn chairs in the most advantageous spots, midway between the toilets so they could best see who dunked the turd.  I called Sylvia so she came over with her chair and I took 3 of my folding chairs up to Easy St. for me, Gail, and Red.  It's a good thing we did because when the turd toss started at 3 P.M. we wouldn't have been able to find a spot to place them.

Jan helped Mark by keeping a list of the 52 participants who eagerly awaited their turn with the turds.  Every other year the turds have been made with nylon stockings stuffed with wet speghetti but this year the turds were made with what looked like brown flannel fabric stuffed with popcorn...much cleaner and not sickeningly sticky like the old ones.

I knew this was my year to win.  I just knew it.  But...I missed the damn toilet on both of my tries.

8 of the men and 7 of the women did dunk one turd and were allowed to enter the turd toss off where the winners, Wilf and Jan, were declared our 2013 King and Queen of the Turds because they were the only ones to dunk a turd in the toss off.

I watched in deep sadness as the Queen Turd hat was placed on Jan's head instead of mine.  Jan kindly let me wear her hat for a moment but it just wasn't the same as actually winning it.  Next year will be my year, I just know it!!

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