Sunday, May 12, 2013

Marijuana Momma?

My mother's day started out early this morning when I went out for breakfast with Kim, Nick, Natasha, Nolan, Nash, Matt, and Sandra.  It was frigid out..42F..which is unusual for this time of year.  After breakfast we came back to my house so that Nick and Matt could clean out my side garden and put down mulch but they were wimps because of the cold so they only pulled out some unwanted saplings that had been deposited there probably by the damned squirrels.  

As they were pulling stuff out, they discovered what looked amazingly like a marijuana plant growing against the house.  I can tell you they teased me a lot!  We took pictures, of course, which they put on Facebook...I expect a visit from the local police any moment.

Shelley called from Florida and I asked her to bring some more of my favorite tea when she comes up to visit this summer.  It's so nice having her live close when I'm in Florida for the winter but not so good when I'm back home in Canada.

When they left, I made a couple of meat loaves.  I do cook once in a while, don't you know?

Mid afternoon brought another pleasant visit from Cindy, Don, Tyson, Kyle and his girlfriend, Britney, and Aeron.  We had the tea I bought at the breakfast restaurant and it was very good.  I learned something about marijuana from them, too, and I'm not sure I like the idea they know so much.

When they left, it was so empty in the house.  It's interesting how much life young people bring in to a home but I don't mind the quiet, either.  I had my meatloaf for dinner and, if I do say so myself, it was darned good.

Tonight I'll pack for tomorrow when Faye, Gary, and I go up to spend 2 days with Joyce and Larry.  I'm looking forward to Joyce's excellent cooking and the great time we always have when we're together.   

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