Thursday, August 08, 2013

Because of You

Reba McIntyre sings a song called "Because of You", which seems to lay blame on maybe her mother for instilling fear in her of too many things.  Maybe I just see myself in that song and feel guilt for making my babies take the safest road in everything.

I carry a lot of fear of the unknown and therefore don't take chances.  It terrifies me to see my children or grandchildren take chances with their safety but I have to accept they're out of my control.  Lucky for them, probably.  If I had my way, they'd live in a bubble of safety where no danger could ever threaten them...but what kind of life would that be?

Is life worth living if you never step out of your comfort zone?  When I do take the odd chance, I end up feeling intense relief that I survived the moment.  I don't relish the thrill at all.  Long, long ago, I gave up roller coaster rides because they'd become sheer terror for me so why subject myself to that?

I'm not a daring person but I think I used to be.  There are memories of moments in my life when I took foolish chances and enjoyed the thrill of it all but those days have gone for me.  Now I just want to have uneventful and pleasant days.  It must be old age but who cares.  It is my firm belief that we should all live our lives in a way that makes us happy, just as long as it hurts no-one else.

Oh, yes.  And when a grandchild decides to go sky diving...don't tell me beforehand.


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