Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I went to Bingo at the local senior center with a very nice group of ladies last night.  It was a pleasant evening but not nearly as much fun as Bingo at 3W.  Of course, the group here was small...about a dozen people...and I didn't really know anyone except the lady I went with but everyone was so friendly!

The large Bingo halls hold no attraction for me because they seem sterile after having played at our clubhouse in Florida.  It means so much more to play among people you know because you can be happy for everyone who wins.  Bingo is a social occasion, too, where conversation is just as important as yelling "Bingo"!.  When Kim and I went to a large Bingo hall here a few years ago, I found that by not knowing anyone else there it wasn't fun at all.  I'll go back to the little senior Bingo here again, though, because of how friendly everyone was and because it's a nice break during the week.  Isabel, the lady I went with, invited me to play cribbage on Wednesdays but I don't think I want to do that.  She said the card games keep us from being lonely but I'm never lonely.  Lucky me!

But the most fun I have at Bingo is at our park in Florida.  I'm looking forward to many evenings of cards and Bingo with good friends where we talk and laugh and no-body gets upset if we make a mistake or forget what's trump!  That's how games are meant to be played...with no one taking the game too serious.

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