Thursday, August 29, 2013

On Being Grateful

I really am grateful for the good things in my life and I never take them for granted.  We all tend to whine about our aches and pains and financial woes but most of us have it pretty darned good in comparison to many others riding this earth.

I watched a "COPS" episode on T.V. last night and was automatically disgusted by a transvestite with HIV until it dawned on me that something horrible happened to him as a little boy to drive him to where he is today.  Always remember that, there but for the grace of whoever, go you and I!

It's heartwarming to see people with physical disabilities stretch their resources to the fullest to attain a good quality of life.  They don't huddle in a corner feeling sorry for themselves but go out into the world and grab their enjoyments.  My son-in-law, John, was running 3 months after losing his leg and has been my hero ever since.  We all have some form of disability and it's up to us to either overcome it to our best ability or to give in to it.

Attitude is either a major asset or your downfall when it comes to living your life well.  My own attitude is to do the things I like doing, steer clear of unpleasant people, and to reach out to new possibilities.  I don't fear rejection any more because I understand that you just won't fit in everywhere.  But, when you do find good friends, they're worth their weight in gold.  And it also helps if you like a bit of solitude...being alone doesn't have to mean being lonely.

In my youth, I was very shy about meeting new people and couldn't be the first one to approach another but that's changed in  my old age.  Somehow I've gained confidence in myself so maybe that happens with age...I don't know.  I just know that I find it easier to reach out now and don't go through the day any more worrying I'm doing something wrong.

Life is often as good as you're willing to make it and it helps if you can appreciate what actually is good in your life.  Just open your eyes and look around.  You'll be astounded at how very much you have to be grateful for.


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