Friday, September 27, 2013

Buddies, Booze, Gabbing, and Gambling

I know there are maybe better ways to spend a couple of days but the above grouping is very nice, too.  Mary and Faye spent Wednesday night at my apartment and we stayed up late gabbing and's amazing how much we still have to talk about after all these years!  On Thursday we drove to Fallsview casino for a free overnight, a free stage show (Elvis), a free dinner, and a very expensive (for me) few hours of gambling.  I don't know why I like gambling so much when I lose so much.

Arriving back home today and saying my goodbyes to my good buddies was okay, though, because I'm comfortable on my own.  Of course, my alone time never seems to go on for very long before I'm off with a relative or friend so it's a darned good life.

With Faye and Mary, we can openly discuss anything and everything that's on our minds and no-one misunderstands.  We always give time for each other to clearly define what it is we're trying to say and never pass judgement.  We live and let live and accept each other for who we are even if we might disagree on some matters.  It's too bad that the rest of the world can't get along the way we do.

As I've aged, I've given up spending precious time with people who irritate me.  Honestly, time is just too short for us to do that.  I like to laugh with friends and it's a pleasure to know that I have nice circle of happy friends who are fun to be with.  We don't share identical beliefs or have identical life experiences but we do seem to come together where it counts.

Mary, Faye, and I had a wonderful couple of days with hopes of repeating them many, many more times in the future.  What fun!

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