Sunday, September 22, 2013


There's a saying that goes something like, "words, once spoken, can never be taken back." but the written word is an exception.  It can be deleted.  Writing a blog gives me the opportunity to vent and express my innermost thoughts and beliefs but it's too easy to go overboard and vent before thinking it over first.

I've written many blogs that, although, they are truly me, sometimes they're me without tact.  And I don't want to be one of those nasty old ladies who think they have the right to speak out no matter who is insulted or offended.  Of course we all have the right to our own opinions and beliefs but we don't have the right to hurt other people by screaming them out.  We can be better than that.

The spoken word, if offensive enough or even kind enough, can affect you for a lifetime.  We all remember moments like that and how they made us feel.  

And so I plan to use more thoughtfulness and tact when writing the blog.  That doesn't mean I won't rant about something that bugs me but it does mean I'll try harder to think before I rant.

At 73, I'm still a work in progress.  

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