Sunday, December 08, 2013

Poignant Memory

Sometimes we think we're sailing through life and thoroughly enjoying the trip, not missing the lifestyle of our youth.  Then a picture or a thought hits you hard and you feel a distinct loss for what once was.  I had a moment like this today.

Since I've been coming to Florida for the winter, my Christmas celebrations have changed drastically.  I rarely decorate but might hang a wreath on the door as my only concession to the holiday.  I truly love our Christmas dinner at the clubhouse which is always filled with happy friends.  I thought I didn't miss the crazy, busy Christmas traditions I followed when my children were young...but I was wrong.

I was watching something on T.V. and the scene of a livingroom with decorated tree came on the screen.  Now, I see such scenes all the time and it never affects me but this one did.  For just a moment I remembered clearly the Christmas mornings when my children would be gleefully gathered around the tree opening their presents and I almost cried with regret that those days are gone forever.  That precious time in my life has come and gone and will never be experienced again.

Other good and happy moments will take their place but those days were golden.  I think I knew it at the time and I'm so lucky to have experienced them at all.  There will always be special days in your life but some will take your breath away with their exquisite importance.  Christmas mornings with my babies were that special. 

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