Sunday, November 30, 2014

Early Christmas

By this time of the year I'm usually in Florida and never get to see Nolan and Nash opening presents.  I'm still hoping to be in Florida for Christmas but today I'm giving the babies their presents a little early.  I bought them some large Tonka trucks which will probably last throughout their childhood and I get to see their happy little faces when they unwrap their presents.

I usually go in with Kim for the boys' presents but I've had this yearning to buy them Tonka trucks and that's just what I did this year.  It's not much fun buying presents for adults but it's always so much fun to buy for little ones.  I joked with Nolan that his present from me would be really fancy toilet paper and I wish I'd had a camera handy to take a picture of the look of disgust and disappointment on his face.  He looked so miserable that I had to tell him I was only kidding and that he was getting really nice presents.  Nash is so easy going that he probably would have appreciated pretty toilet paper, though.

I'm dropping off Lisa's afghan at her parents' house on my way to Nick's so I'm kind of like a little old lady Santa today.  I'm trying to get up the nerve to knock on Isabel's door for a quick hello and a hug but I don't want to disturb her if she isn't up for visitors.  A hello and a hug shouldn't be a problem, though, but I'll make up my mind when I get to Lisa's parents' house.

I had a hard time sleeping last night because I couldn't get rid of the feeling that my biopsy report on Wednesday won't be good.  I'd thought I was past worrying but it's back.  I've kind of decided that if more surgery is needed I might just opt for radiation treatment on the area instead.  It's a decision that doesn't come easily and I'm not sure yet.  

I don't like not knowing.

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