Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cold/Flu Season

When I was a young chick, I never worried about catching the flu or a cold.  I was young, strong, and no germs would dare enter my perfect body.  But now that I'm an old hen, I'm maybe too concerned about those pesky germs.  Having just survived a 2 1/2 week bout with this cold that's making the rounds, I don't want to have to do battle with another one so I stayed home last night rather than walk over to the clubhouse in a drizzly rain.  It's come to that and I'm not happy about it.

I rarely get sick so it's terribly frustrating for me when I do.  I don't think it would have bothered me as much if I was back home in Canada but I'm 1200 miles from home and feel kind of helpless.  If I got really sick, someone would have to close up the trailer for me and I'd have to fly home.  Then someone would have to get my car back home, too.  The logistics of it all worries me.  Maybe it's time to just stay home.  Bad health in old age will always be a worry but the worry is lessened if we're safely in our own home environment.

My own little nurse/practitioner, Shelley, went up to Canada for Christmas so I didn't even have her to rely on if I got too sick to care for myself.  I'll have to ask her to stay close forever from now on.  LOL!  Poor Shelley has always been the one we relied on when one of the family was seriously ill and it's too darned hard on her.  She nursed her father through the last 2 months of his life and I don't know what we would have done without her.  But my plan is to get sick and die quickly at home...but not for another 20 years.

Anyway, our little park here in Florida is still rife with cold and flu germs and it's like a mine field trying to stay clear of them all.  I hope I can stay germ free at least until I get back to Canada.

This is New Year's eve and a bunch of us ladies will spend it tonight over at the old clubhouse (now our library) playing cards and laughing.  I love it! 

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