Sunday, February 22, 2015

Needless Gun Violence...Again

The story goes that a lady was giving her daughter driving lessons in the evening and was harassed by a neighbor who drove too close to them.  He was a teenaged boy who was known to be a bad ass.  The daughter honked at him to move his car and he supposedly threatened to get a gun and kill her.

So what does the mother do???  Does she go home and call the police?  No, she goes home and gets her teenaged son, arms them, and goes looking for the boy who threatened her.  She finds him but doesn't accost him, just drives back home where he awaits her arrival.

He shoots and kills her and then her son futilely returns fire.  The lady is dead from a stupid confrontation with a young man she knows is dangerous but had chosen to chase down anyway.

Now, if all those with guns had not had guns, none of this would have happened.  There might have been a street fight if this lady had not called police but she'd still be alive.  She'd also probably still be alive if she'd not made the stupid decision to get a gun and hunt him down.

When are Americans going to accept that the outrageous number of guns in the United States is by far the reason for so many needless deaths?  I have good friends here who own guns and disagree with me but they are the good people who own them only for protection.  Now, if they didn't feel threatened by so many criminals having guns, then maybe they wouldn't feel it necessary to have one themselves.

It's a circular problem that I don't see changing in my lifetime.

There are lots of guns in Canada, too, but the numbers are still low enough to keep gun deaths minor in comparison to other violent deaths.  Human beings are inherently violent by nature and that violent part of us can be triggered by many things.  We might lash out with words or punches but, if we have a gun, someone is going to be badly hurt or killed.  The answer seems to be a simple one...fewer guns. 

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