Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is now legal across the whole of the United States and it's a huge move in our culture.  I've put off writing a blog about it for a few reasons...I'm beginning to think my views are in the minority; I don't want to unnecessarily offend anyone; I don't want people to be mad at me.

I still believe strongly that everyone has a right to their beliefs but, when we become overwhelmingly in the minority, we have to stand back and take a closer look at why we hold those beliefs.  I question myself a lot so I don't blindly close my eyes and mind to what is new.  I don't blindly follow the pack, either.

My personal belief about gay marriage is that it is wrong to call it marriage.  Marriage should be a sacred commitment between a man and a woman.  Any other commitment between two men or two women could and should be called something else.  Remember that this is my personal belief and not necessarily right.

I can't seem to get my head around the majority stance that gay unions are normal.  I don't believe we were created to not be able to procreate with our partners.  That's not to say that heterosexual couples who are infertile are wrong.

I hold no anger against gay unions because I also believe that true love in any form should be pursued.  It's the "marriage" thing that irks me because it is screwing around with our traditions.  I do believe in "live and let live" as long as our traditions are respected.

I am not going to apologize for my personal beliefs.  They are what they are.  I wish no harm to the LBGT??? people but I don't think I'll ever be able to accept that this is as normal as heterosexuality.  I'll continue questioning my beliefs because that is who I am.

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