Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Power Outage

We're in the middle of a terrible heat wave...close to 100 F through the day and not much cooler at night.  I was talking to Mary yesterday and joking about what I'd do if the power went out and I was left without air conditioning.  Well, darned if the power didn't go out around 6:30 last night.

I felt slightly panicked because the apartment very quickly started to heat up.  I don't remember my house losing it's cool that fast when we had a summer power outage but that could just be my imagination.  Anyway, I ventured out on the balcony to wait it out and was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful cool breeze that greeted me.  We always get a lovely breeze because there are no other buildings blocking it.  The other apartment buildings lay to the right of my building.

It was interesting to see how many people went out to sit on their balconies...I rarely see anyone out there and I like to sit out in the evening.  What surprised me most was how many balconies in sight were vacant.  Were all those tenants out somewhere?  It was so nice outside that I figured I'd sleep on my balcony if the power didn't come back on.  It's nice to know that's an option.

As I sat out there I thought of things I could be getting the car seat out of my car in preparation for going to N.B. on Thursday.  But with no power, there's no elevator and I'm on the 6th floor.  Then I thought of just going shopping for a while...but, again, no elevator and if the power was still off when I came home I'd have to walk up 6 flights.  No-no!

And so I spent a couple of hours sitting in the cool breeze on the balcony and feeling very grateful for it.

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