Monday, August 22, 2016

Blessings in Disguise

So often what appears to be a mistake is really a blessing in disguise.  I've seen it happen so many times that I've come to believe that we just might be magically pushed onto certain paths in our lives, paths we probably wouldn't have chosen or known existed.  It's as though we had accidentally strayed off our designated path and had to be redirected.

I always felt that I'd strayed so far and wide from the direction I should have taken that I could never find my way back but here I am, doing what I enjoy (writing) and having the funds to live a relatively comfortable life.  Maybe, no matter which path I'd traveled, this is where I would have ended in my twilight years.

I like to point out how my intuition or ESP has guided me throughout my life.  It only failed me when I stubbornly chose to veer onto what I considered a more interesting path than the one I was on.  Big mistake #1 was when I dropped out of high school.  I was smart enough to have graduated and gone on to university but I was a foolish young girl.

I've drilled into my children and grandchildren (all of whom wouldn't exist if I'd followed what I believed was my properly designated path) that education is a primary requisite for a good life.  Some listened and some didn't.  They're following their own paths!

In the end, I know I was meant to be where I am now so maybe I did choose the right directions all those years past.  When you think of it, I'm very happy and I have family I love dearly.  Don't we all want to end up blessed in this way?

Life is good!

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